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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Allison has sold another book

Allison has sold the third novel in the 'Song' Series. This one is about
Alwyn, one of Rhianna's (Heartsong) older brothers. You again get to meet
Authur, (Battlesong) and the two older brothers as well as Arvel who's
novel will be 'Lovesong' coming in another year.

Alwyn's story is called 'Windsong' and will be available the first Monday
of November from Champagne Books. www.ChampagneBooks.com

And because December is such a rush with the holidays, you can relax
for a few minutes with a Historical Short Story from Allison entitled
"A Matter of Passion" This will also be available from Champagne Books
the first Monday of December. The story takes place on the Mississippi River.